目前分類:Diary (6)

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There was a guy whom Jessica and I first saw watching pron animation movie in Burger King, and hence we called him "The porn movie guy." Today I study at BK with Jessica as usual, and Jessica leaved at 5 pm because she had to work at 6:10. After Jessica leaved, about an hour, someone came to me and sat at the table next to me. At first place, I did not notice who he was, but when he put his computer on the table I immediatly found that he was the porn movie guy!   LoL

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I had my second dental treatment today and had  a pulpectomy,1 a chemical tratment used to kill patient's dental nerve. 

When talking to Jessica on Skype at night, I suddenly felt my teeth so pain!!!!

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    Jessica and I had a quarrel last night. I really don't like the way she arguing me. The reason of our fight often comes that she think I am pissing her off, and then she starts arguing me. The worst part of our conversation is that she uses a bad tone without telling me about what piss her off, and "sorry" doesn't work at this situation because she said that I don't know why she was angry, so my apology is not sincere.  It seems that she wants me to figure out what did I do and why made her so angry. Jesus...if I knew that, I would apologize for that immediately.

    She sometimes doing things piss me off, but I am not going to use the way she used to me. Because I know that I am in a bad mood, words came out would not be good; it is no necessary making two people in the same bad mood...

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It rains all the day....

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    Here is my CV in English version. Because a recruiting officer of Hult international business school called me yesterday, she asked me if I interesting in their one-year MBA program. We had a conversation about 20 minutes, and she introduced me about Hult international business school, asking me some current situation. After her calling, she send me some brochures introducing their school and asked me to send a copy of CV before next appointment at 2 p.m. on thursday.

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Since my English cram school teacher told my trying to " thinking in English", I decide to write diary in English everyday and practice my writing skill.

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